
Deep Breathing & Body Scan

10 minute guided deep breathing and body scan

A guided practice in deep breathing and body relaxation. This 10-minute practice can be used to reset throughout the day or to help you fall into a restful sleep in the evening. If your mind is racing or you feel emotionally charged, this practice will help you to connect with calm and clarity.

Note: During the deep breathing portion of the practice, you can add a count to the breath. You can inhale for 4 counts, hold the breath for 3 counts, and exhale for 7 counts (feel free to lengthen or shorten the count as needed). Adding a count to the breath can help you to focus.


2 minute guided body alignment in a standing posture

A two-minute guided recording to reset your posture. You can use this recording throughout the day to align your posture and increase body awareness.

Reminder: Please honor the limits of your own body - if any part of the guidance creates pain, disregard the guidance and respect your limits.